To make sense of this post, you need to first read the previous one, which asks you to identify an outrageous grammatical error by a TV news reporter.
Answer: The error lies in reporter Paris Schutz using the subject pronoun “he” instead of the object pronoun “him” when he utters the following words: “Yusef Salazar says today is like a coming out of the shadows for he and other undocumenteds, whose future looks….”
© Copyright 2012 V. J. Singal
Answer: The error lies in reporter Paris Schutz using the subject pronoun “he” instead of the object pronoun “him” when he utters the following words: “Yusef Salazar says today is like a coming out of the shadows for he and other undocumenteds, whose future looks….”
© Copyright 2012 V. J. Singal