Neil Gorsuch, the newest addition to the U.S. Supreme
Court’s lofty bench of nine justices, is undoubtedly one of the finest and most
competent jurists in the land. But with respect to attire--specifically, in the
matter of picking a necktie for, say, special occasions--I’m afraid this judge
extraordinaire doesn’t seem to have a clue.
[Yes, some aspects of Neil Gorsuch’s ideology are antithetical
to mine. Yet, I must admit, I was extremely impressed by the gravitas he
displayed during his Senate confirmation hearings this past March.]
Discussion of the clip below, which is from early
February when, following his nomination by President Trump, Gorsuch began
calling on prominent U.S. senators, as do all Supreme Court nominees prior to
their confirmation hearings. The moment you launch the video clip--I’m afraid
it’s only three seconds long--your eyes will be captured by Gorsuch’s extremely
high contrast tie. Of course, you will then look at his face but only
momentarily because the low center of gravity of his overall attire (thanks to
that attention grabbing neckwear) will force down your gaze and keep it there.
If you’ve read some of my previous posts on men’s attire,
you’ll see my point. If not, and for tips on how someone who, like Gorsuch, has
a low contrast visage can sharply enhance their appearance and add a glow to
their face, start with the
27, 2011, post and then look at some of the more recent ones bearing the
label “men’s attire.” You’ll find the ones featuring Sen. Bob Corker to be
particularly useful.
A request to any
reader who has a hotline to Justice Gorsuch: Please convey the
following offer to the illustrious judge: “Even though I do not share some of
your extremely conservative ideology, I’ll be thrilled to give you a free
coaching session on how to sharpen your appearance. The only cost to you: the
roundtrip fare from Houston to Washington D.C.”
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2017 V. J. Singal