To make sense of this post, you need to first read the previous one, which asks you to identify the mispronounced word in a 26-second video clip.
Next, my customary declaration for posts on “mispronounced words”: The objective is NOT to denigrate or ridicule someone. Instead, I feature such posts in the belief that if a highly educated or sophisticated person is mispronouncing or misusing a particular word, there is a high probability that at least a few of my blog readers are making the same error. In other words, these posts are meant to serve as “pronunciation/ usage alerts!” And the reason why I name the radio or TV program and identify the speaker is solely to make this feature credible.
Answer: The mispronounced word is vigilantism which, in the video clip, Hari Sreenivasan is heard pronouncing as vij-uh-lan-tee-iz-um. The correct pronunciation: vij-uh-lan-tiz-um.
© Copyright 2014 V. J. Singal
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